#ItWasNeverADress STEAM Conference:
2015 Sponsorship Opportunities

Event Profile

Button-Pin-BuildAxosoft started the movement #ItWasNeverADress to empower women in tech. Part of this initiative is to inspire the next generation to pursue STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) fields. To help create access, opportunity and education to STEAM, Axosoft is hosting a community-focused conference for girls between the ages of 12 and 17. During these critical years, most girls struggle with confidence issues and lose interest in STEAM fields. The inaugural #ItWasNeverADress STEAM Conference will be held on July 18 – 19 2015, and will bring girls from across Arizona together to build their skills, confidence, and interest in STEAM. The goal is to inspire these young women to see that technology can create amazing, impactful change in the world and can also be a lot of fun!

In two days, these young women will learn valuable tools to take on the tech world and the challenges that surround it with consciousness and gusto! The conference will feature renowned speakers, community leaders and teachers from across the country; cutting edge curriculum; and hands-on, interactive workshops. These young women will learn programming skills, how to “reprogram” their inner critic and build confidence, personal branding, and entrepreneurship. They will also use engineering skills to create wearable technology, showing how the intersection between art and technology can create a dynamic and dazzling world. Finally, they will create a strategy and business plan to take what they learned about STEAM back into the curriculum at their schools. These ambassadors will be creating change from inside the school system and will have the support of an advisory board made up of influential leaders who they can contact for guidance on an ongoing basis. This is a movement for change, and this is your chance to get involved!


In order to make this event a success, we need your help! As a sponsor, your organization will be recognized as one that supports a local, national, and global initiative creating positive change and helping to inspire the next generation of women in technology.

Thus far, the #ItWasNeverADress campaign has received over 18 million impressions on Twitter, 6,500 Facebook community page likes, and worldwide coverage from major press outlets like CNN, The New York Times, Yahoo!, TIME, and more. We are anticipating a lot of exposure for this event, which means high brand awareness for our sponsors! We will be highly engaged with media outlets as well as a Girls in Tech, a prominent global nonprofit, to ensure our event is a major success. The young women in attendance will further the reach of this conference when they return to their various schools, equipped to create change amongst their student body, teachers and community.

Apply Now

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for the conference, please download the Sponsorship Opportunities document below to learn more about the benefits of each tier of sponsorship. You can then contact Sara Breeding to complete your sponsorship!

Sponsorship Opportunities (PDF)

Inquire about a sponsorship