In the airport…

I travel a lot for work and when I walk through airport terminals, I have to travel pass multiple restrooms. The ever-present “universal” symbol for girls/women/females, the stick figure with the dreaded skirt has always irked me. I’m very clear that the women’s bathroom is the right one for me but I have NEVER looked like the standard figure. The signage doesn’t just tell you where to go; it tells you who you are supposed to be. When I first saw It Was Never A Dress, I laughed out loud and immediately thought of the airport. Today, your email arrived with news of stickers and t-shirts…I know just where I’ll be putting those stickers in the future! Thanks for your FABULOUS campaign.
P.S. If I knew how to photoshop, I would keep the image you have and add a coon skin hat a la Daniel Boone. I would definitely have worn that with my cape.